Ketogenic Diet

Is Keto a Fad Diet?

If you’re like most people, the word “keto” brings about images of bacon and avocados, but there’s a lot more to Keto than just that.

Many people assume the Ketogenic diet is just another fad diet, and they could not be further from the truth. 

The ketogenic diet is not a fad diet because it is backed by science and has been around for many years. Numerous scientific studies have shown that keto provides health benefits, including weight loss, lower blood pressure, and reduced cravings. Keto is the diet our ancestors were designed to consume. 

Why Keto is Not A Fad Diet.

Fad diets are not typically backed by science and seldom provide evidence of the actual sustainable results they claim to provide. 

Our ancestors were not overweight or diabetic, nor did they have the health problems we are experiencing in today’s world. They also did not have access to carbohydrates and sugar. 

It was not until recent times that our diets changed dramatically, and our health as a society began to decline.

Before sugar and carbohydrates came to be, people used fat as their primary energy source; ketosis. 

What is Ketosis?

The word “keto” comes from the word “ketosis.” 

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low carbohydrate regimen that pushes the body into the metabolic state of ketosis, which means it starts using its fat as fuel. Ketones are the by-product of ketosis. 

Ketones are the most powerful and beneficial energy source for our bodies and brains. 

A study published by The Journal of Molecular Brain Research indicated that the Ketogenic diet enhances brain function by increasing the expression of mitochondrial enzymes. 

So Keto makes you smarter!

By cutting out carbohydrates and sugar from our diets, we push our bodies into ketosis and switch our primary fuel source from sugar to fat. In other words, we are returning to our ancestral roots. 

Why Do Many People Mistake Keto For a Fad Diet?

Despite all the scientific evidence that shows the ketogenic diet to be a healthy and effective diet, many still label keto as a fad diet, and here is why:

A diet is typically considered a fad if it includes the following criteria: 

  • Low in Carbohydrates
  • Deviates from the Food Pyramid. 
  • Too Restrictive
  • Anecdotal 
  • Implies that Food Can Change Your Body’s Chemistry
  • Sounds Too Good To Be True
  • Too Simple
  • Promises Fast Results

The problem is that the criteria mentioned above are outdated and simply incorrect, here is why:

  • Based on our knowledge today, many of the listed criteria can be debunked when it comes to spotting a fad diet. 
    • For example, we now know that diets high in carbohydrates and sugar are the main reason for the obesity rates increasing, as well as many other health problems we are facing in today’s world.
  • The Food Pyramid was designed in 1992, nearly 30 years ago. Times have changed, and we now know much more about health and nutrition. 
    • The food pyramid considers grains and bread healthy and recommends them for daily consumption.
    • While it is true that 30 years ago, the popular belief was that grains and bread are, in fact, it was thought to be the healthiest food group, that belief is no longer the fact, based on science.
    • Bread and grains are not healthy, they contain massive amounts of carbohydrates, gluten, and sugar, and overconsuming them can cause numerous health problems, including weight gain and obesity.  
  • A diet can be simple but effective. Just because a diet is simple, it does not mean it is a fad diet
  • Also, promising fast results, as long as in a healthy way, should not mean the diet is a fad.
  • And finally, we now know that consuming a healthy diet, in fact, can change the body’s chemistry for the better. 

The Ketogenic diet does restrict carbohydrates; it is also simple and does provide fast results. Not because it is unhealthy, but because it gets rid of the unhealthy ways of eating and helps promote fat burning. 

The ketogenic diet helps us return to the natural way of consuming and utilizing our body’s fat. The result is better metabolism and higher fat loss. 

Therefore, Just because a diet works fast, it does not mean it is a fad diet. 

Top 7 Benefits of Keto: 

  1. Weight Loss
  2. Gets rid of cravings & hunger
  3. Clears acne, better skin
  4. Improves memory and cognitive function
  5. Gets rid of Belly fat
  6. Improves metabolism
  7. Lowers Blood Pressure

How to Start a Ketogenic Diet

So you’ve done your research and have decided to jump on the keto bandwagon. 

Here is how to start: 

  • Decide and stick to it for at least 4-6 weeks. 
    • That’s usually how long it takes for a beginner to get into ketosis
  • Clean your Kitchen.
    • Get rid of all sugar, carbohydrates, and grains from your diet and also your fridge.
  • Replace all carbohydrates and sugars with protein and healthy fats. 
    • Keto-friendly foods include High-quality meat, Green Veggies, nuts, nut butter, and healthy fats such as coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, and ghee.
  • Eat three keto-friendly meals per day and DO NOT snack in between. 
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do your best to not cheat in the first three months of starting keto. Let your body adjust and get into ketosis.

Keto Macros:

It is recommended to have 70% of your daily calorie intake from Fats, 25% of your daily calories from protein, and 5% from carbohydrates.  

The Macros can slightly change based on each individual’s weight, health, and nutritional needs. 

Tips For Keto Beginners:

  • Track your Macros.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Don’t forget salt and electrolytes
  • Stick to it! 

What is the Keto Flu?

Suppose you start a keto diet, and after a few weeks, you begin feeling sluggish, tired, and irritable. In that case, you are experiencing the keto flu. 

Don’t worry; it’s not the actual flu. 

The keto flu is a collection of symptoms that occur when your body adapts to a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. The symptoms resemble a flu-like state, hence the name. The keto flu occurs as your body is switching to fat-burning mode. 

While the keto flu is no fun, it’s essential to know that it is only temporary and simply a sign of your body transitioning to fat burning. 

With some care and patience, you can ride out the keto flu and enjoy all the benefits of the ketogenic diet. 

Symptoms of Keto flu: 

  • Sugar Craving
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Brain Fog 
  • Muscle Soreness
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Skin Rash
  • Chills

Remedies for Keto Flu:

Don’t let the Keto flu discourage you. 

It’s essential to know; that the unhealthier your previous diet has been, the harder the keto flu will hit. Be ready for it; it will pass. 

If you consume a high carbohydrate, high sugar diet on a daily bases, your body has to get rid of its addiction to carbohydrates before getting into ketosis. 

The key is staying consistent, pushing through, drinking plenty of water, and taking enough electrolytes and salt. 

Also, taking enough Magnesium and Potassium-rich foods will help you combat the keto flu. 

DO NOT listen to your friends who tell you to give up. 

Finally, join a keto group to get support from a community that understands what you are going through. 

Disclaimer: If you have any serious medical conditions, talk to your doctor before deciding on a keto diet. 


Keto is not a fad diet; it is a lifestyle and one that can change your life for the better. This high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet has been shown to help weight loss and improve health markers like blood sugar and cholesterol levels. And if you’re worried about feeling restricted, don’t be – there are plenty of delicious keto recipes that will keep you satisfied all day long. Have you tried Keto yet? If not, what are you waiting for?


Noh HS, Lee HP, Kim DW, Kang SS, Cho GJ, Rho JM, Choi WS. A cDNA microarray analysis of gene expression profiles in rat hippocampus following a ketogenic diet. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 2004 Oct 22;129(1-2):80-7. doi: 10.1016/j.molbrainres.2004.06.020. PMID: 15469884.

Dowis K, Banga S. The Potential Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet: A Narrative Review. Nutrients. 2021 May 13;13(5):1654. doi: 10.3390/nu13051654. PMID: 34068325; PMCID: PMC8153354.

Paoli A, Mancin L, Giacona MC, Bianco A, Caprio M. Effects of a ketogenic diet in overweight women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Transl Med. 2020 Feb 27;18(1):104. doi: 10.1186/s12967-020-02277-0. PMID: 32103756; PMCID: PMC7045520.