Fasting 101

How Much Weight Can You Lose With Alternate-Day Fasting?

If you have been intermittent fasting for some time and have hit a plateau or just starting on your fasting journey, alternate-day fasting is something you might want to consider. 

Studies have indicated that individuals who practice alternate-day fasting can lose up to 15 pounds in three months and have a more significant reduction in body fat than those who do not practice alternate-day fasting.

In this post, we will explain all you need to know about alternate-day fasting and its amazing weight-loss results and health benefits.

Intrigued? continue reading to learn more!

Table of Contents:

Is alternate-day fasting better than intermittent fasting?

Both Intermittent fasting and alternate-day fasting have significant benefits when it comes to weight loss and overall health.

However, alternate-day fasting is more flexible and easier to sustain so you will be able to stay consistent and lose more weight.

Also, studies have shown that alternate-day fasting may in fact result in more fat loss than Intermittent fasting. 

What is Alternate Day Fasting?

When you practice alternate-day fasting you eat one day and fast or cut down your calories to 10-25% of your average calorie intake the next day. 

For example, you fast on a Monday and eat ad libitum (eat whatever you want) on Tuesday and then go back to fasting on Wednesday. 

Alternate day fasting allows for a consistent shock to your metabolism and recovery. It is effective in weight loss, improves insulin sensitivity, and reduces inflammation. 

However, ad libitum does not mean you should eat unhealthy food or binge eat on your eating days; stay responsible!

During alternate-day fasting, you should still consider a healthy diet like Keto or the Mediterranean diet

Eating an entire cake in one day and then fasting the next will not give you the desired result from alternate-day fasting, and It could create an eating disorder. So stay mindful on your eating days. 

Alternate Day Fasting Benefits

Weight Loss

Alternate day fasting has shown to be an effective weight-loss tool. 

In one study, individuals who practiced alternate day fasting lost 15 pounds in three months and had a more significant reduction in body fat than those who didn’t fast.

This type of fasting helps with fat loss because it gives your body a break from digesting food, which allows it to use stored energy (fat) for fuel. 

A study done in the Journal of Obesity Science & Practice found that participants who alternate-day fasted lost more fat. They also preserved more muscle mass than the calorie-restricted group. 

A meta-analysis published by Frontiers Nutrition found that people who alternate-day fasted for 1-3 months, lost an average of 15 pounds in 3 months without restricting calories! 

To learn about the fastest way to lose weight without exercise, click here.

Ketosis & weight-loss

Ketone production is one of the main benefits of fasting. 

A study published in the Journal of Cell Metabolism found that the participants who alternate-day fasted did not overcompensate for their fasting day by eating more on their eating days. 

They lost 7.7 pounds of body fat and had lower thyroid hormone levels while maintaining their thyroid function. 

And most importantly, their Ketone levels were elevated the entire time, even on the nonfasting days. 

lower Hunger levels

Alternate day fasting helps lower hunger and cravings.

A recent study published in The Nutrition Journal found that alternate-day fasting can help suppress hunger levels. 

The study looked at a group of randomly assigned participants to either followed the ADF plan or a traditional three-meal-per-day diet.

 The result showed that the participants who followed the alternate-day fasting plan experienced significantly lower hunger levels than those who did not.

To learn more about binge eating behavior and how you can stop it, click here. 


The most significant benefit of alternate-day fasting is that it’s easier to sustain this plan compared to other types of fasting plans, due to its flexibility on the alternate days. 

With ADF, you can eat whatever you want every other day, making it much easier to stick to long-term. 

Additionally, research has shown that alternate day fasting can help improve your metabolism, decrease inflammation, and lower blood sugar levels. 

If you’re looking for a sustainable way to improve your health, alternate day fasting is a great option.

Metabolic Flexibility

The ability to readily shift in and out of ketosis is known as metabolic flexibility, and it’s something that the body naturally does to adapt to different circumstances. 

Following the ADF protocol can help increase your metabolic flexibility. 

The ADF protocol helps you transition into and out of ketosis more quickly, making it a more flexible eating method. 

Sample day for alternate-day fasting:


  • Fast for 36 hours (Monk Fast)
  • Sleep on a fasted stomach.


  • Eat whatever you want (stay mindful)

There is a good chance you won’t eat as much as you think you will


  • Fast for 36 hours. Sleep on a fasted stomach.

Repeat the cycle. 

Sample Day For Alternate Day Fasting


  • Fast for 24 hours
  • For example, Mon 7 am to Tues 7 am.


  • After 7 am, eat a small meal.
  • Meal: 25% of your average calorie intake (up to 500 calories)
  • Then fast again for 24 hours.
  • For example, Tues 8 am to Wed 8 am


  • After 8 in the morning, eat whatever you want the entire day. (stay mindful, don’t binge.)

Repeat cycle as desired.

How to Start Alternate-day fasting safely

If you are just starting out on your fasting journey, start with intermittent fasting, in order to get your body used to not eating for periods of time.

With Intermittent fasting, you eat all your meals within a set window of time and then fast for the rest of the day. 

For example, you might eat between 8 am and 4 pm, and then fast from 4 pm to 8 am the next day. 

This allows you to get used to going without food for extended periods. It also helps reset your body’s natural hunger cues. 

Once you’re comfortable with intermittent fasting, you can gradually transition to alternate-day fasting.

Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, make sure to consult with your physician before starting a fasting routine. 


Alternate-day fasting is a great weight-loss tool, but it has many other health benefits as well. If you are looking to lose some weight, or just live a healthier lifestyle, alternate-day fasting may be the way for you. Do your research, consult your doctor and use the tips we gave you in this post to start your journey. Thank you for reading!


Alhamdan BA, Garcia-Alvarez A, Alzahrnai AH, et al. Alternate-day versus daily energy restriction diets: which is more effective for weight loss? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Sci Pract. 2016;2(3):293-302. doi:10.1002/osp4.52

Klempel MC, Bhutani S, Fitzgibbon M, Freels S, Varady KA. Dietary and physical activity adaptations to alternate day modified fasting: implications for optimal weight loss. Nutr J. 2010;9:35. Published 2010 Sep 3. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-35