
At What Age An Existential Crisis Usually Happens? 

An “existential crisis” is a term used in philosophy with its roots in existentialism, a concept based on the purpose and meaning of existence from a general and individual point of view. 

Existential Crises Can Occur In Different Age Groups:

Different types of existential crises can occur in various age groups. 

Individuals face different life challenges at every stage in life, which can make them question life’s meaning and purpose. 

These stages can be roughly divided into five groups: 

Stage Age GroupExistential Crisis Type
Teenage years13+Transitioning from childhood to adulthood. The rebellious teenage phase is often the result of this stage.
Sophomore crisisEarly 20sThis stage usually involves young adults and college students who begin to question their path in life and career as they enter college or the workforce.
Adult crisisMid to late 20sUsually involves more complex issues like one’s religion, sexuality, political views, and general path in life as one enters adulthood.
Mid-life crisis40+It usually involves questioning one’s past life choices and decisions. The feeling of not having done enough or having followed the wrong path in life. They question the true purpose of their life and possible lack of growth. 
Later-life crisis60+Triggered by life events such as the death of a loved one or the thought of imminent death. This stage involves looking back and feelings of loss and regret, in addition to questioning one’s true meaning in life and whether one has fulfilled their life’s mission. 

What is an existential crisis?

It is the moment in your life when you begin questioning your life, every life decision you made in the past, your purpose in life, and whether life has any meaning. 

An event could trigger an existential crisis, a death in the family, moving to a different country, getting married, etc. This can lead to anxiety and depression. 

Existential Crisis Characteristics:

  • You start questioning your life’s circumstances
    • For example, why did you choose to live in this city and not elsewhere? Or why are you married to this person and not someone else? etc.  
    • In other words, you realize there are far more options under the surface than you previously realized.  
  • Anxiety-inducing 
    • Recognizing there are far more options for you than you previously thought can make you feel both free and anxious. 
    • Because you realize you had been deluding yourself about what you thought your life had to be, and that you are responsible for your life’s circumstances and choices and nobody else.
  • Fear of death 
    • Usually, you develop a heightened awareness of death and realize that the clock is ticking. 
  • No right answer
    • The realization that you have many choices but do not have the ultimate knowledge for making the best choices. You have to steer blindly. 
    • Thinking there is an infinite number of choices and not enough information to make the right decision can create chaos and lead to anxiety. 

Events that could cause an existential crisis

  • Death of a loved one
  • Having a child
  • Getting married
  • Moving to a different country
  • Career change
  • Serious illness
  • Traumatic events

Symptoms of existential crisis:

To learn more about lack of motivation and how to avoid it, click here

How To Overcome An Existential Crisis:


Practicing meditation is a great way to begin calming your mind and getting rid of the anxiety that comes from an existential crisis. 

In addition, meditation can help you eliminate negative thoughts and ease your obsessive worrying. 

To learn about different types of meditation for beginners, click here. 


Writing down your feelings can help you bring out your inner thoughts and worries. 

In your journal, write down your questions about life and your worries. This simple act can help ease your anxiety. 

To learn about a great 5-step morning routine for reducing anxiety, click here


Seeking help from a professional, such as a therapist or a psychiatrist, who can help you articulate your thoughts can help you overcome your existential crisis. 

Accept it

An existential crisis can be the result of not having lived authentically. Living a life based on someone else’s desires, such as your parents, can lead to an emotional crisis. 

Instead, spend time with yourself and discover who you are and what you want in life. 

Accept and turn your crisis into a compass. Use your thoughts, worries, and feelings to navigate your life authentically. 

A life that you live for yourself and based on your beliefs and nobody else. 


An existential crisis can occur at almost any age, with the most prevalent being the mid-life crisis, usually in the mid-late 40s. There are ways to prevent an existential crisis. A consistent practice of meditation, living an authentic life, following a healthy lifestyle, and facing your fears in life, can help you avoid an existential crisis. In addition, seeking help from a professional can significantly help you overcome this stage of life if you find yourself going through a crisis. Thank you for reading!