
Do Crystals Vibrate At Different Frequencies?

Everything in the universe is made up of atoms, and atoms vibrate with different frequencies. 

Crystals have been on earth for millions of years and have reached what can be called the perfect form. 

As a general rule, every crystal’s atoms are arranged in a highly organized repeating pattern. This pattern is the defining feature of that crystal. Every crystal’s atomic structure has unique properties and vibrates with different frequencies. 

Therefore, every crystal has its own individual vibrational energy and unique personality. That is why each crystal can be used uniquely to heal and to help us understand the universe. 

In this blog post, we will discuss healing crystals and explain how they work, as well as the benefits of the top 9 healing crystals you can use to improve your life.

So keep on reading to learn more!

How Do Crystals Work?

Crystals have been used for healing since the dawn of civilization; in fact, the Christian Bible refers to crystals over 200 times. They have been found in Babylonia’s ruins and ancient tombs of Egyptians and Chinese rulers. 

In addition, crystals have the perfect form, are free of resistant patterns, and are among some of the structures in the physical dimension that have the most balanced, cohesive, strong, and intentional frequencies. 

Their permanent physical structure reflects their innate energetic pattern of balance and strength. 

The human body and thoughts are also energy and vibrate at specific frequencies.

In the physical world, when you pick up a crystal, it appears as though you are feeling something separate from you. 

However, you are actually interacting energetically with that crystal through your body and thoughts’ energetic vibrations. 

This interaction causes changes to your frequency, which results in changes in your psychology and physiology.

It begins a process of rebalancing the energetic structure of the body. It helps raise your vibrational energy to match the crystal’s frequency. This energetic shift is thought to help heal through the energetic process.

However, it all depends on your level of consciousness and acceptance of the crystal’s vibrations and power. 

Many individuals resist the energetic transmission and fight the crystal’s effect because of their low vibration and lack of belief. 

Can crystals Influence Your Thoughts?

Human thoughts are a form of energy that can be given direction through what is called intention. 

Crystals transmit energy and can absorb the vibrational energy of your thoughts. Also, using thoughts as the informational energy, crystals can be programmed. 

If you are open to receiving and connecting with the crystal’s vibrational energy, you can harmonize your vibrational frequency with that of the crystal you hold in your hand.

Having the right intention during the use of healing crystals further serves to connect your energy with that of the crystal.

Although true healing has to come from within you, crystals can help raise and support your vibrational frequency and get you to a level of light and happiness. 

Top 9 Healing Crystals:


  • Awakens your intuition: labradorite helps awaken your intuition and psychic abilities. It opens your third eye chakra and helps you acknowledge your inner wisdom and trust the information you receive from the universe.
  • Cleanses your aura: It helps clean and strengthen your energy (aura) and energizes you from within. 
  • Find your destiny: regular meditation with labradorite can help you release the limitations you put on yourself and helps give you the confidence to follow your dreams. 
  • Major life transitions: labradorite can help with major life changes such as divorce, changing jobs, having kids, or changing careers.
To learn about how raising your vibrational energy can reduce anxiety, click here.

Rose Quartz

  • Self-love: This beautiful pinkish stone can help increase your self-love and self-acceptance.
  • Calms your mind: It helps relax and calm the soul and the mind and enables you to give more love to others and be more accepting of love without fear of judgment. 
  • Find Love: rose quartz also can help improve the chances of finding love and your soul mates in this life. 
To learn about self-love and taking better care of yourself, click here.


  • Boosts energy: this beautiful red stone helps boost energy and increases motivation. It transforms negativity into positivity and improves your mood.
  • Grounding: the carnelian can help ground you and helps balance your sacral chakra
  • Enhances creativity and passion:  It is an excellent crystal for artists and those seeking creative energy.
To learn more about the order for balancing chakras, click here


  • Balances chakras: this green crystal is a calming, happy stone that helps balance all your chakras and harmonizes the movement of energy through them.
  • Heals the heart: aventurine helps heal the heart from heartache and helps you become more open to giving and receiving love. 
  • Prosperity: It attracts abundance and prosperity in life, not just financially but in a more profound, meaningful way. 
Is there an order for balancing chakras? Click here to find out. 

Bumblebee Jasper

  • Removes attachments: this hard-to-find crystal can help you let go of attachments that are not serving you.
  • Decision making: It helps make wise decisions, especially if you are contemplating and are unsure of which path to choose.  
  • Removes self-limitations: this crystal helps remove limitations and false beliefs that you put on yourself, which are holding you back in life. It enables you to start new on the right path in life.
  • Raises confidence: bumblebee jasper can help boost confidence, creativity, and passion. It is an excellent stone for starting a new job or career. 


  • Grounding: obsidian is a powerful black crystal known for its grounding effect. Obsidian helps stabilize your energies and helps you live in the moment without worries about the past or the future. 
  • Protection: It creates a protective energetic shell and helps protect you against negativity and toxic people.
  • Helps uncover the truth: obsidian helps expose the truth. It helps take off the blindfold, see what is repressed within you, and help you move forward. 
  • Removes negative attachments: this stone helps you cut the attachments and ties that are not serving you anymore. 
To learn about the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence, click here


  • Increases motivation: this is a beautiful sun-color stone that helps boost energy and increases motivation. 
  • Boosts confidence:  citrine helps move you forward without the fear of being criticized or judged.
  • Prosperity: It attracts abundance and prosperity and is an excellent crystal for starting a new business.
  • Cleansing: citrine is self-cleansing and can help cleanse other crystals. 

Smoky Quartz

  • Grounding: smoky quartz helps you live in the present moment, grounded and in control of your life. 
  • Energetic protection: helps protect you from the negative energies of others, creating a shield around you.
  • Provides comfort: smoky quartz protects you from negativity and helps transform negative energy into positive at times of stress and hopelessness. 


  • Relaxation and calming effect: amethyst helps calm and clear the mind and deepen meditation. It is an excellent stone to hold while meditating. 
  • Opens the third eye: helps awaken your intuition and psychic abilities and helps opens your third eye.
  • Overcome addiction: amethyst can help you release cravings and addiction, and supports you during your healing process.
  • Better sleep: this crystal helps improve sleep and gets rid of nightmares.

How To Choose Your Crystal:

  1. Decide what it is you wish to improve in your life. For example: boost confidence, increase motivation, lower anxiety, grounding, protection, etc. 
  2. Do your research and find out which crystals are best for what you have chosen to work on. 
  3. Visit a crystal store, preferably one with a good reputation. 
  4. Find the section that has your targeted crystals; usually, there are several of the crystal you are looking to buy. 
  5. To decide which one is yours, spend some time looking and feeling the energies of the stones.
  6. Whichever crystal you are most attracted to, for example, the one your gaze keeps going to is your stone. The crystal has chosen you.

How To Clean, Charge, And Program Your Crystals:

When you bring home your crystals, you must clean them first to eliminate all the old energies.


Hold your crystal under running water; check to make sure you can place your crystal in the water. Certain crystals should not be exposed to water. 

Sea Salt

Place your crystal in a bowl of sea salt, and leave overnight. Do not put carnelian in salt; it can get damaged. 


Bury your crystal in dirt overnight.


Carefully light a sage bundle and run your crystal through its smoke a few times.

Charge your Crystal

Full Moon 

Place your crystal outside or by the window facing the moon; during a full moon, leave it overnight.


Place your crystals outside under direct sunlight for a few hours. Do not leave the crystals under the sun for too long because some crystals, such as amethyst, can fade.

After your crystal is charged, set your intention with your crystal, hold your crystal against your heart and think of your purpose. Talk to your crystal and thank it for helping you reach your goal. 


Holding your crystal while meditating is another excellent way of setting your intention for your stone. 

To learn more about different types of meditation, click here


Crystals can be a fantastic support for your healing journey. Make sure to do your research and find the best crystals for you and your goals. Clean your crystals at least once per month, and don’t forget to set your intention for every crystal before starting your journey. Thank you for reading.