How Do You Get Back Into Ketosis After Thanksgiving?
Cheat days happen, and what better excuse for cheating on your diet than the Thanksgiving dinner? In fact, Thanksgiving can be considered the ultimate cheat day.
If you follow a ketogenic diet, you may wonder what is the best and fastest way to get back into ketosis after Thanksgiving, and we’re here to help.
This post will explain how to prepare your body for Thanksgiving cheat day and how to get back into ketosis quickly after the holidays.
So keep on reading to find out!
How To Prepare your body For Thanksgiving Cheat Day:
There are ways to prepare for a cheat day like Thanksgiving in order to help reduce the level of shock your body goes through.
Also, preparing your body for a cheat meal can help you recover and get back into ketosis faster.
Eat Protein 30 Minutes Before Thanksgiving Dinner
Having protein before your cheat meal will help satiate you and keep you from binging during Thanksgiving dinner.
When you are satiated, you can control your portions better.
A whey protein shake is a great choice to help control your blood sugar and keep you from overeating.
Also, eating protein will help spike your body’s insulin in a controlled manner.
Therefore, the insulin spike from your Thanksgiving cheat meal will not be as shocking to your system.
Hyperhydrate Before Your Cheat Meal
Drinking plenty of water the day before and on the day of your cheat meal will help your body flush out extra salt.
Therefore, the massive amount of salt entering your body will not be as detrimental when you have your cheat meal.
Hydrating your body will help prevent bloating and inflammation after a cheat day and helps you recover faster.
How Long Does It Take To Get Back Into Ketosis After Thanksgiving?
As a general rule, it takes an average of 48 hours to one week to get back into ketosis.
The more fat adapted your body is, the faster you will be able to get back into ketosis.
Also, age, metabolism, and the length of time you have been on a ketogenic diet will determine how fast you can get back into ketosis after a cheat day.
How To Get Back Into Ketosis Quickly After Thanksgiving:
After a cheat day like Thanksgiving, a significant blood sugar spike leads to an insulin spike.
The insulin takes the sugar and stores it in the fat cells, which results in low blood sugar.
Having low blood sugar causes hunger and cravings.
Therefore, the day after Thanksgiving, you will likely be more hungry and have intense cravings. It would help if you remembered this.
If you are aware, it will be easier to ignore the cravings and hunger. This step is vital for getting back into ketosis quickly.
The quickest way to reset your body after Thanksgiving dinner is to fast.
A 24-hour fast the day after Thanksgiving can help lower your insulin levels.
Also, fasting can help your body use the extra sugar and carbohydrates in your blood and quickly get you back into ketosis.
To learn more about the benefits of fasting and how to get started, click here.
Work out On An Empty Stomach
Exercising the day after Thanksgiving on an empty stomach can help burn the excess sugar in your blood.
A 20-30 minute high-intensity interval training session is one of the best ways to burn the calories from your cheat day.
In addition, weight training the day after a cheat can help burn off the excess sugar and get you back into ketosis quickly.
Click here to find out when is the best time for exercising during a fast.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Drinking 1-2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar diluted with water helps you recover from low blood sugar and reduces cravings and hunger.
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar faster.
Therefore, helping you reset your body quickly and get you back into ketosis.
Click here to learn more about the fantastic benefits of apple cider vinegar.
Vitamins & Minerals
Taking a chromium supplement after your cheat day can help you recover faster by stabilizing insulin levels and lowering blood sugar.
The excess amounts of sugar and salt entering your body during a cheat like Thanksgiving can result in bloating and inflammation.
Taking potassium supplements after your cheat day can help prevent your body from bloating and inflammation.
Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, be sure to consult with your medical doctor before attempting a fast or any of the tips provided in this blog post.
Thanksgiving is a great day to relax and enjoy your time with your friends and family. Taking a few steps to prepare for Thanksgiving cheat day and knowing what to do the day after Thanksgiving can help avoid the stress and anxiety that comes with being kicked out of ketosis. We hope the tips and tricks we provided in this blog will allow you to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner anxiety free. Thank you for reading!
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