Health & Weight-loss

How Many Cups Of Ginger Tea Should You Drink Daily?

On a cold wintery morning, there is nothing more soothing and refreshing than a fresh cup of ginger tea. 

Ginger tea is a popular non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic, and sugar-free herbal tea with powerful medicinal properties. 

This powerful super tea is made from fresh ginger roots, and is considered a superfood for its health benefits, including anti-cancer and antioxidant properties.

In fact, ginger tea is the easiest and most popular way to include ginger in your daily routine. 

In general, drinking 1 cup of ginger tea in the morning or just before bed is the recommended number of cups per day. 

Ginger tea can provide you with many amazing health benefits which we will discuss in this post. 

So keep on reading to learn more!

How to Make a Great Cup of Ginger Tea:


  • Fresh ginger root
  • Lemon juice
  • Raw honey
  • Water


  1. Thinly slice your fresh ginger. It’s best to peel ginger first. You can also grate the ginger into a cup. A 1 inch piece of fresh ginger root is ideal for one cup of ginger tea.
  2. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and add ginger to the water. Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for 5-10 minutes. The longer you let it simmer, the stronger the tea.
  3. Pour the tea into a glass through a sieve. Let it cool down for 3-5 minutes. 
  4. Add 2-3 squeezes of lemon juice and 1 tsp of raw honey, if desired, and your tea is now ready. Enjoy!

You can change up your ginger tea by adding turmeric, a well-known spice, to your tea for some added health benefits. 

Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

To learn more about the fantastic health benefits of turmeric tea, Click here!

Cinnamon is another excellent addition to your ginger tea for some added taste, and it’s also perfect for the holiday season

Top 11 Health Benefits of Ginger Tea:

Gingerol is a phenol phytochemical compound found in fresh ginger that activates spice receptors on the tongue.

Research has shown gingerol to have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antioxidant, neuroprotective, and gastroprotective properties.

1. Weight Loss

Ginger is a natural ingredient found in many fat-loss supplements. 

Drinking ginger tea daily can help stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels and eliminate insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is the most common cause of weight gain and obesity. 

Ginger also helps keep you full for longer, helping you eat less and lose weight. 

In addition, drinking ginger tea is known to help increase body temperature and speed up metabolism, resulting in faster fat-burning and weight loss. 

2. Eliminates Bloating

Drinking ginger tea before sleep helps clear your digestive system overnight and removes gas and bloating. 

3. May Help prevent Cancer

Several studies have found ginger beneficial in fighting specific cancer, including ovarian cancer.

The anti-cancer properties of ginger are a result of a specific compound found in ginger.

Compound-6 gingerol is abundant in raw ginger and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties. 

By simply adding ginger tea to your daily routine, you may be able to prevent cancer and tumors from happening. 

4. Aids Digestion & Stomach Pain

Drinking ginger tea everyday aids in digestion and cures stomach problems. 

Ginger stimulates the liver to release bile, which moves from the liver into the gallbladder. 

A higher concentration of bile in the gallbladder helps lubricate the small intestine, move food through the intestines easier, and eliminate digestive problems, pain, and bloating. 

5. Gets Rid Of Bad Breath

The 6-gingerol compound in ginger stimulates an enzyme in the saliva which breaks down malodorous sulfur-containing compounds and helps eliminate bad breath in just minutes. 

If you suffer from halitosis, try drinking ginger tea before you go out on a date or a social event, you won’t regret it!

6. Improves Blood Circulation

Ginger thins the blood and improves blood circulation which helps keep your body warm. 

Gingerols increase core body temperature, and when your body temperature increases your blood circulation also improves.

Better blood circulation helps your body absorb nutrients and oxygen more efficiently. 

7. Reduces Inflammation & Pain

Ginger tea helps improve blood circulation which results in reduced inflammation in the body and joints.

In addition, ginger helps block an enzyme that creates the sensation of pain caused by inflammation. By blocking this enzyme, ginger helps reduce any pain associated with inflammation. 

To learn more about anti-inflammation food and diets, click here!

8. Gets Rid of Headaches & Migraines

Ginger is a natural pain reliever and works at a hormonal level. Drinking ginger tea in the morning helps reduce aches and pain.

Ginger also blocks prostaglandins, pro-inflammatory enzymes that play a crucial role in migraines and headaches. 

By blocking these prostaglandins, ginger helps reduce headaches and migraines. 

9. PMS & Menstural Pain Relief

A study done by scientists in Iran showed that giving ginger to women with heavy menstrual cramping and pain helped reduce their menstrual symptoms, including pain, cramping, and bleeding. 

The study concluded ginger might be an effective and safe therapy for relieving pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea if given at the onset or three days before menstruation.

To learn more about how you can get rid of period cramps, click here!

10. Boosts Immunity 

Ginger has antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties, which help strengthen the immune function. 

Drinking one cup of ginger tea daily can help boost your immune system and prevent you from getting sick. 

11. gets rid of Motion Sickness.

Ginger helps prevent nausea and motion sickness.

Having ginger tea before activities that may cause motion sickness can help prevent nausea. 


Ginger tea is a powerful herbal tea with anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antiviral properties.

Drinking one cup of ginger tea daily can help boost your immune system, eliminate halitosis, and even help you lose weight. 

So next time you crave a hot tea, try drinking ginger tea; you won’t regret it! 

Thanks for reading! 


Rahnama P, Montazeri A, Huseini HF, Kianbakht S, Naseri M. Effect of Zingiber officinale R. rhizomes (ginger) on pain relief in primary dysmenorrhea: a placebo randomized trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Jul 10;12:92. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-92. PMID: 22781186; PMCID: PMC3518208.