Health & Weight-loss

What is the Quickest Way to Lose Fat Without Exercise?

We’ve all been there, wanting to lose weight but don’t have time to work out, but is it possible to lose weight without working out?

The key is to tap into the body’s fat reserve and burn fat instead of sugar for energy. 

It is possible to lose fat quickly without having to exercise. Although working out is essential for overall health, the diet you follow is the most important factor for fat loss. Following a low-carb diet and intermittent fasting can help you lose weight without having to break a sweat. 

A ketogenic diet combined with intermittent fasting helps push your body into the state of ketosis, fat burning, which results in quick fat loss. 

Exercise has many health benefits; it helps build muscle and improve body composition. However, working out is only a small percentage of the equation for weight loss and diet is the most crucial factor.

Continue reading to find out how you can lose weight quickly without working out!

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting and it is very effective for fast weight loss in addition to many other health benefits.

When you fast, your body starts to use its stored fat for fuel, resulting in fast weight loss. 

Types of Intermittent Fasting: 

  • In 16:8 or Time-restricted eating, you fast for 16 hours per day and have an eating window of 8 hours. The 16:8 is the most common and popular form of intermittent fasting. 
    • Many beginners start fasting for 12-14 hours and gradually increase their time to 18 hours. 
    • The longer the fasting period, the more fat loss occurs. 
  • In OMAD or One Meal a Day fasting, you fast for 23 hours per day and have an eating window of 1 hour; you eat one meal per day. 
  • Prolonged fasting: although not recommended to be done too frequently. Occasional long fasts in which you fast for over 24 hours per day can be an excellent tool for resetting the body and help you lose weight quickly. 
Avocados are a staple in the Keto diet.

The Ketogenic Diet

Keto is a high fat, low carbohydrate, and moderate protein diet that puts the body in the state of Ketosis. 

Ketosis is a state in which the body switches its primary fuel source from sugar to fat. Ketones are the by-product of fat-burning and are the preferred fuel source for the body and the brain with many health benefits, including weight loss. 

If you follow a Ketogenic diet, after 4-6 weeks, your body gets into Ketosis. Once you are in Ketosis, adding intermittent fasting to the equation speeds up fat loss. 

The body has no sugar or carbohydrate to feed on during a fast. If you are in Ketosis, the body has learned to use fat for fuel; therefore, it begins using its own fat. 

This combination results in fat loss, and it’s one of the most effective tools for weight loss without exercise. 

Weight Loss Myths:

There are many recommendations out there about how to lose weight without exercise, and many of them will not work for most people: 

Here are the most common recommendations and why they might not be the best recommendation for weight loss.

Eat everything in moderation.

Why it won’t work: Not every calorie is created equal. Suppose you do not exercise and continue to eat everything in moderation, including sugar and carbohydrates.

In that case, your body will not tap into its fat reserve but instead uses sugar as fuel which will not result in fat loss. 

Specific calories should not be consumed in moderation, such as refined sugar or carbohydrates: the lower your sugar intake, the better chance for fat loss. 

Eating in moderation means you can continue to eat chocolate, ice cream, and pizza.

For overweight individuals, one of the main problems is food addiction, and not being able to control their appetite and cravings

Eating only a handful of chips is extremely difficult and rarely possible if you are overweight.

The key is to stop the cravings for processed foods entirely, and eating ice cream and junk food in moderation, will not help stop the cravings and only increases them.

Using smaller plates.

If you are not eating a healthy diet, using smaller plates will not necessarily help you lose weight. 

You can eat off smaller plates but then refill the plate five more times. 

Again, the type of food you eat matters much more than how large the portions are, not all calories are created equal, remember that.

Chewing gum

Chewing gum might help temporarily with hunger and cravings, but when it’s time to eat, if you splurge on lots of processed foods and carbohydrates, you will not be able to lose any weight.

Eat plenty of fruits.

Fruits are high in fructose, and fructose spikes your insulin levels high, which results in weight gain.

Studies have indicated that fructose results in much more visceral fat gain than actual sugar.

Having small amounts of fruits will do no harm and can be healthy, but eating lots of fruits high in fructose will not help you lose weight unless you exercise intensely enough to burn off all the sugar. 

How to start your weight loss journey:

  • Step One: Get on the Ketogenic diet: 
    • Can Eat: Healthy fats: avocado oil, olive oil, macadamia nut oil, coconut oil, ghee, organic proteins, organic eggs, seafood, vegetables, berries, nuts, nut butter.
    • Your daily calorie intake should include 70-75% fats, 25% proteins, and 5% Carbohydrates.
    • Cut Out: Processed foods, refined sugar, fruits, grains, and processed carbohydrates. 
    • Keep in mind that It takes 4-6 weeks of consistency with the Ketogenic diet to get into Ketosis. 
  • Step Two: Begin intermittent fasting. 
    • Start with a 12-hour fast and eat three meals per day without snacking. 
    • Gradually increase your fast time to 14 and then 16 hours, and reduce the number of meals to two per day. 

Skipping Breakfast can help tremendously with increasing your fasting time. And it is important to note that skipping breakfast is not bad for you. 

  • Step Three: Stay Consistent. 
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Bottom Line

For the longest time, we all believed that working out is a must when it comes to weight loss, but we now know that is not true. The vast majority of us have been told since childhood that we need to exercise to lose weight. And while exercise is essential for overall health and body composition, recent studies suggest that it might not play as big a role in weight loss as we thought. The key to shedding pounds lies in the diet – more specifically, eating the right foods in the right amounts. So if you’re looking to drop some weight without hitting the gym every day, try the tips and tricks we mentioned in this post and let us know how it goes. Thank you for reading!