
Is There a Specific Order for Opening Chakras?

There is no right or wrong when it comes to the order in which you should open your chakras. 

However, there is a preferred order for opening your chakras, which we will discuss in this post. 

As a general rule, the root chakra should be the first chakra to open because it is the foundation for all the 7 chakras. If the root chakra is blocked, it can cause an imbalance in the flow of energy. Therefore, it’s best to start with the root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra.

In this blog post, we have listed all the ways you can unblock your root chakra, so continue reading to find out more!

How Do You Know If Your Root Chakra Is Open?

The root chakra is associated with being grounded, feeling safe, having your basic needs met, feeling secure in who you are, and feeling like you belong.

The root chakra is the grounding foundation for all the chakras. Having the root chakra open means feeling secure and grounded.

How Do you unblock your Root Chakra?

There are several ways to unblock your root chakra. 


Practicing daily meditation is one of the most powerful tools for opening your root chakra. 

  1. Sit or lie down in a quiet place.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Take a deep belly breath and hold your breath for 3 to 7 seconds. 
  4. Exhale slowly. 
  5. Now focus on the base of your spine.
  6. Imagine a red light glowing at the base of your spine, and imagine the light getting brighter and brighter. 
  7. Feel you are being grounded through your spine into the ground beneath you.
  8. Continue focusing on the bright light for 5 to 10 minutes.

If you are a beginner, start with just 5 minutes, and over time increase your time. 

Click here to learn more about breathwork and how it can help reduce anxiety.


Several moves in the practice of yoga are designed to help open the root chakra. 

Some of these moves include:

Sukhasana Pose

Balasana Pose

Malasana Pose


Fluid movements such as dancing help relieve stress and tension and make you feel happy and present in that moment.  

Dancing also helps move the energy through your chakras, and it’s a great way to unblock the root chakra. 

Body Scan

A body scan is a type of meditation in which you tune in to your body and start noticing the sensations in every part of your body, one region at a time.  

  1. Lie down in a quiet place. 
  2. Take a few deep breaths. 
  3. Start from your toes; notice how your toes feel. Become aware of the sensations you feel in and around your toes. Continue for 2-3 minutes. 
  4. Work your way up to your feet, and feel every sensation in your feet. Notice it without any judgment; just be aware. 
  5. Then move to your ankles. 
  6. Work your way up to the top of your head, one body part at a time. 

A body scan can take between 10-20 minutes or more and it is an excellent way to feel grounded and secure and helps open your root chakra. 

Barefoot Nature Walk:

Walking barefoot on the ground in nature helps you feel grounded. 

A barefoot nature walk is a great way to feel connected to the earth, increase your vibrational energies and unblock your root chakra. 

For example, walking barefoot on the beach or grass is a great way to raise your vibration and get the life energy flowing through your chakras. 

To find out more about raising your vibrational energy, click here


Sit down in a quiet place, close your eyes and repeat one or more of these affirmations. 

  • I am safe
  • I am grounded
  • I am protected
  • I am here
  • I am connected to earth
  • I feel safe here
  • I belong here
  • I am connected to my body
  • I feel grounded and safe on this earth
  • I belong 

Do this every morning right after waking up. Daily affirmations are a powerful tool for unblocking chakras.

Mantra Meditation

In mantra meditation, you repeat the mantra related to the chakra you are trying to open. 

The mantra associated with the root chakra is LAM.

  1. Sit down or lie down in a quiet place. 
  2. Close your eyes. 
  3. Take a few deep belly breaths.
  4. Start repeating the mantra LAM.
  5. Emphasize the M sound at the end. 
  6. Repeat for 5-10 minutes

Mantras & Crystals associated with every Chakra:

ChakrasFunctionMantraCrystals Associated
RootSafety, grounding, security, connection to the earth, belongingLAMRed Jasper, Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone.
SacralSexuality, creativityVAMCarnelian, Orange Calcite, Amber, Orange Moonstone.
Solar PlexusSelf-esteem, self-loveRAMBumblebee Jasper,  Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Jasper.
HeartCompassion, giving, and receiving loveYAMRose quartz, Aventurine, Malachite.
ThroatSelf-expression, public speaking, standing up for yourselfHAMLapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Amazonite, Angelite.
Third EyeSixth sense, goal setting, planning, imaginationOMAmethyst, Labradorite, Sodalite, Black Obsidian.
CrownConnection to nature, connection to the spiritual worldAHClear Quartz, Celestite, Selenite, Smoky Quartz.


Although there is no definite order for opening chakras, many experts recommend starting with the root chakra. The root chakra is the grounding foundation and the base for the other chakras. Having the root chakra open and unblocked can make it much easier for the energy to flow through the rest of the seven chakras and keep them in balance. If you feel like your root chakra is blocked, try the tips and tricks we provided in this post to unblock your chakras and get the life energy flowing again in no time. Thank you for reading!