Health and wellness,  Ketogenic Diet

Why is the Ketogenic Diet the Best Anti-aging Diet? (Women’s Edition)

Did you know the Ketogenic diet has anti-aging effects for women?

Many scientific studies have indicated that keto can help balance hormones and slow down the aging process for both men and women.

In this article, we will go over the evidence and explain why the ketogenic diet can help women look younger and healthier.

The ketogenic diet has anti-aging effects because it is high in saturated fats, includes proteins such as eggs and salmon, and recommends plenty of leafy greens, the precursors to making Vitamin A. Also, following a keto diet means limiting sugar and carbohydrate intake, two important factors that contribute to aging.

Continue reading to find out about all the scientific research that shows Keto can help reverse aging.

Aging & Saturated Fats:

To truly understand why keto can help reverse aging, you should first know why aging occurs in the first place. 

As we get older, the skin begins to sag and loses its firmness due to the loss of fat and collagen. Hormonal imbalances that occur with age can significantly affect aging and sagging skin. 

Skin is made of saturated fats and proteins. Almost 50% of cell membranes are made of fat. Therefore, eating enough saturated fats helps preserve the skin’s youthful quality. 

Saturated fats also help make hormones. Going through menopause drops the hormone levels and creates an imbalance, which causes aging to speed up. 

Eating enough fats also helps balance the female hormones and slows down aging. 

Almost 70% of the ketogenic diet calories come from healthy saturated fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts.

Therefore, the ketogenic diet helps replenish the saturated fat reserves and keep the skin healthy and youthful.

Vitamin A & Vitamin E

The two most essential Vitamins for youthful skin are Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

The ketogenic diet is high in vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Vitamin A triggers the collagen gene; collagen keeps your skin firm.

Epidermis and dermis layers of skin require Vitamin A to keep their youthful appearance. Enough Vitamin A helps make your skin soft and firm. 

Eating a diet high in Vitamin A and Vitamin E, such as keto, helps keep the skin firm and young.

Best Foods to Eat for Vitamin A:

  • Egg yolks (pasture-raised, organic eggs are best)
  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Salmon
  • Butter
  • Fish
  • Goat’s Cheese
  • Leafy greens(leafy greens provide the precursor for vitamin A)

Vitamin E helps prevent sagging, sunburns, and wrinkles.

When going through menopause, the Vitamin E level drops. Therefore, consuming foods with vitamin E is essential for healthy, youthful skin. 

Best Foods for Vitamin E:

  • Palm Oil
  • Leafy greens
  • Olive Oil
  • Seeds and Nuts

What to Avoid:

AGEs (Advanced Glycation Endproducts)

  • Sugar (Combining protein and sugar or sugar and fats creates sticky proteins, causing the skin to lose its youthfulness)
  • Cortisol (The stress hormone)
  • Smoking
  • Binge Eating

The Ketogenic Diet & Female Hormones:

The main difference between men and women regarding the ketogenic diet is that women’s hormones constantly change.

Women experience more hormonal shifts than men due to their advanced reproductive cycles. 

Studies have shown that a Ketogenic diet can significantly improve hormonal imbalances and reverse PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome). 

Also, Keto can get rid of PMS and period cramps. 

A study done by AACE Clinical Case Reports placed four women with hormonal imbalance and fertility issues on a Ketogenic diet for six months.

After six months of a ketogenic diet, all four women had regular periods, and two of the four got pregnant. The interesting fact is that the women weren’t actively trying to conceive at the time. 

Another study published in Journal Nutrition & Metabolism found that women with PCOS, when put on a ketogenic diet for six months, had a 54% reduction in fasting insulin levels. 

Their PCOS symptoms improved or completely disappeared.

Benefits of Keto for Women Over 40

Women over the age of 40 may experience hormonal shifts as they approach the pre-menopausal age. 

The hormonal balance is thrown off, and these fluctuations can cause many adverse side effects, including weight gain, aging, irregular periods, and fatigue, to name a few. 

One of the primary hormonal shifts is the sudden rise in insulin. 

 A spike in insulin can have many adverse effects such as Brain fog, inflammation, bone loss, memory loss, hot flashes, moodiness, high Blood pressure, and weight gain. 

Following a low carbohydrate plan such as the ketogenic diet has been scientifically proven to be effective at reducing insulin levels and improving hormonal imbalances. 

Top 7 Benefits of Keto for Women:

  • Weight Loss
  • Less hunger
  • Improves memory
  • Decreases chronic inflammation
  • Improves mood
  • Prevents Hot Flashes
  • Lowers blood pressure

Benefits of Keto for Women Over 60


One of the best diets for menopause is the ketogenic diet. 

According to studies, keto is an excellent diet for older women because it helps improve their mental clarity, prevents age-related diseases, and optimizes their metabolism. 

Women over the age of 60 can significantly benefit from the antiaging effects of the keto diet; here is why:

Menopause causes a sudden loss of ovarian function, and with that comes a spike in insulin.

A rise in insulin has many side effects: bone loss, pre-diabetes, moodiness, hot flashes, memory loss, High blood pressure, muscle loss, decreased sex drive, sugar cravings, heart disease, and high cholesterol. 

By following a keto diet and cutting the carbohydrate intake down to less than 50g per day, women over the age of 60 can lower their insulin and prevent or reduce the side effects of menopause. 


Keto prevents atrophy.

As we age, our bodies begin to break down their own tissues, such as muscle, etc. 

A ketogenic diet has a powerful effect in slowing down muscle atrophy by preventing protein breakdown. 

The British Medical Journal conducted a study. They divided 162 people into three groups: the high carb, moderate carb, and low carb groups. 

The group following a low-carb diet significantly improved their resting metabolic expenditure, increased their metabolism, and improved insulin resistance compared to the other two groups. 

Cognitive Function

Keto has a significant effect on the improvement of cognitive function. 

A low-carb diet can improve memory loss, increase the brain’s clarity and sharpness, and help prevent or slow down diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. 

Therefore, for women over 60 years old, following a ketogenic diet can have a fantastic effect on improving their overall quality of life. 

Tip: Combining intermittent fasting with the ketogenic diet can help lower the insulin even faster. 

Disclaimer: If you suffer from any medical issues, check with your doctor before trying any new diets. 

Bottom Line:

If you’re a woman looking for an edge in the battle against aging, trying the Keto diet is a great place to start. A ketogenic diet is a great tool that can help reduce the signs of aging both inside and out. And that’s just the start of its many benefits– Keto is beneficial for everything from brain health to fighting food addiction and obesity. Ready to give it a try? Let us know in the comments. Thank you for reading!


Ebbing C. et al. British Medical Journal 2018,… 

Mavropoulos JC, Yancy WS, Hepburn J, Westman EC. The effects of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet on the polycystic ovary syndrome: a pilot study. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2005;2:35. Published 2005 Dec 16. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-2-35