
Positive Self-Talk; The Secret To Self-Esteem & Happiness.

Do you talk to yourself? if so, you’re not alone.

Conversations in our minds are called self-talk. This self-talk can be negative or positive. Internal dialogues can shape our beliefs and influence our emotions and behaviors.

Repeated self-talk can eventually become what we consider facts on a subconscious level and become our core beliefs.

Therefore, it’s crucial to be mindful of how we speak to ourselves and to try and avoid negativity and harsh words. 

Positive Self-Talk & Self-Esteem:

Let me ask you a question, do you like yourself? 

Everything in life, including your sense of self-worth and how you see the world, is derived from how you feel about yourself.

Self-esteem is our sense of self-worth. It is how much we appreciate and like ourselves and how much we believe we deserve to be happy.

High self-esteem is crucial for living an authentic, happy, and motivated life. 

According to Nathaniel Branden, psychotherapist and writer best known for his work in the psychology of self-esteem, there are six pillars of self-esteem:

  1. Living Consciously
  2. Self-Acceptance
  3. Self Responsibility
  4. Self-assertiveness
  5. Living purposefully
  6. Personal Integrity

Engaging in positive self-talk is a primary key to developing high self-esteem and living an authentic passion-driven life. 

Positive Self-Talk and Happiness:

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that positive self-talk is necessary for overall well-being and happiness.

These are some of the scientifically proven benefits of positive self-talk:

  • Better athletic performance
  • Lowers stress & anxiety
  • Increased motivation
  • Balanced mindset
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Longevity & increased vitality
  • Improved immune function
  • Reduced pain
  • Overall happiness
  • Increased life-satisfaction

All of which contribute to living a happy and healthy lifestyle. 

Negative Self-Talk:

Pessimists tend to engage in routine negative self-talk. 

Negative self-talk can lead to stress, anxiety, and a lower quality of life. 

What is essential to know is that you can shift your internal dialogue by practicing positive self-talk. 

To learn more about ways you can reduce your anxiety fast, click here. 

How Do You Start Practicing Positive-Self Talk?

Step 1: Pay attention to your internal dialogue in every situation. 

Identify your negative self-talk. It’s essential to notice and identify how you perceive the world around you daily. 

For example: 

  • You always blame yourself for everything; you personalize every bad situation.
  • You always expect the worst, no matter what. 
  • You see the world in black and white with no grey zones.
  • You only focus on the negative aspects of a situation. Glass is half empty every time. 

Step 2: Identify the negative words you use to speak to yourself throughout the day. 

For example: 

  • I am so stupid.
  • It’s always my fault.
  • I always make the wrong choice. 
  • I’m always late. 

Step 3: Replace your negative self-talk with positive. 

Use the following examples to shift your negative internal dialogue to positive self-talk. 

  • Negative talk:  I’m so disorganized. 
  • Replace with:  If I start using reminders, I can make my day run smoothly. 
  • Negative talk: I’m so stupid.
  • Replace with: I made a mistake, and that’s okay. I learn from my mistakes and move on. 
  • Negative talk: I made a fool of myself.
  • Replace with: I’m proud of myself for trying. 
  • Negative talk: I’m so fat.
  • Replace with: I love myself, and I have the power to change my lifestyle and become healthier. 

Step 4: Practice, practice, practice. 

It will take time, patience, and daily practice to replace your habit of negative self-talk with positive talk. 

Stay consistent and remind yourself every day to be kind to yourself. 

More Examples of Positive Self-Talk:

These are some of the best positive self-talk you can engage in for developing higher self-esteem and a positive sense of self. 

When you speak to yourself, use some of these phrases. Practice them daily, and you can switch your mindset from negative to positive over time.

Examples of positive self-talk:

  • I love myself.
  • I’m smart.
  • I can do anything I set my mind to. 
  • I learn from my mistakes and move on. 
  • I deserve happiness. 
  • I deserve love. 
  • I am lovable. 
  • I am safe. 
  • I am strong. 
  • I believe in myself to figure out a solution to any challenges that come my way. 
To learn about self-love and how you can start loving yourself more, click here. 


Kim J, Kwon JH, Kim J, Kim EJ, Kim HE, Kyeong S, Kim JJ. The effects of positive or negative self-talk on the alteration of brain functional connectivity by performing cognitive tasks. Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 21;11(1):14873. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-94328-9. PMID: 34290300; PMCID: PMC8295361.