
Which Chakras Are Responsible For Anxiety?

There are seven main chakras, the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakra. 

Think of chakras as little computers in charge of specific tasks, with each being responsible for a different emotional state and feeling.

It is widely believed that the root chakra and the crown chakra are responsible for anxiety. A blocked root chakra stops the energy from flowing through the body and creates an imbalance in other chakras. A blocked crown chakra prevents the release of energy, which results in anxiety. 

In this post, we explain why the crown chakra and the root chakra are responsible for creating anxiety and how you can prevent it from happening!

So keep on reading to find out!

The root chakra & anxiety.

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is responsible for feeling safe, grounded, and secure in all aspects of life. 

The kundalini energy travels through the earth and enters the body through the root chakra. It then works its way through the seven chakras, up to the top of the head, or the crown chakra.

An open root chakra makes you feel grounded, safe, and secure with who you are and how you feel about life. 

A blockage in the root chakra makes you feel out of balance and creates an imbalance in the flow of energy through the rest of the chakras. 

When the root chakra is blocked, the connection between the body and the earth is gone. As a result, you feel unsafe and insecure, which leads to anxiety. 

The Crown Chakra & Anxiety.

The crown chakra is in charge of connection to the divine. It is located at the top of your head and associated with the color violet. 

When your crown chakra is open, the life energy is released through your crown chakra into the universe, creating a divine connection. 

A blocked crown chakra can throw off the balance of the life energy and creates a lack of connection, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. 

Blockage of root & crown chakras.

Anxiety can result from an imbalance in the root or crown chakra. 

Also, a blocked root chakra and an overactive crown chakra can lead to feelings of anxiousness. 

The kundalini energy (divine feminine energy that sits at the base of your spine) moves from your root chakra to the crown chakra. The undisturbed flow of energy is essential for your physical and emotional balance.

To learn more about chakra blockage and its causes, click here. 

A Blocked Crown Chakra Leads To :

  • Feeling disconnected from the universe.
  • Not being able to see the bigger picture. 
  • Obsession with materialism and things that have no real meaning.
  • Feeling stuck in your head.
  • Loneliness.
  • Close-mindedness, over-intellectualism, apathy, or cynicism. 
  • Lack of spirituality and connection to the universe. 
  • Religious extremism.

What Causes A blockage In The Root Chakra? 

Trauma can Block the Root Chakra.

Childhood trauma, such as neglect or abuse by a parent, especially a mother or a mother figure, can stay in the root chakra, resulting in its blockage. 

Abandonment and neglect, create the feeling of not being safe, unsupported, and unlovable. 

In adults, this form of trauma can create people-pleasing and self-sabotage behavior. 

Any form of trauma that makes you feel unsafe or insecure can lead to the blockage of the root chakra and stop the flow of energy. 

To learn about self-love and how you can start loving yourself, click here. 

An overactive crown chakra & anxiety. 

Traumatic events such as childhood trauma, or fear of death can cause the crown chakra to be blocked. 

When the crown chakra is blocked, the energy is not released and is sent back down to the root chakra , and If the life energy gets bounced back and forth without being released, it results in an overactive crown chakra. 

An overactive crown chakra causes anxiety because the person suffering from it becomes an overthinker, living primarily in their head and not in reality.

An overactive crown chakra leads to racing thoughts, anxiety, fear, and anger; the anger comes from the fight or flight feeling, which stems from the anxiety. 

How Balancing Chakras Can Help Reduce Anxiety?

All the chakras need to be balanced and harmonious to live a happy, healthy, and stress-free life. 

So the energy can travel from mother earth through the root chakra and be released through the crown chakra into the universe and create the divine connection.

How to Balance Your Chakras: 

There are many ways to balance your chakras; yoga and meditation are the two most effective ways. 


Practicing yoga is a proven way to open up all your chakras and create the flow of life energy throughout your body without any blockage.

Poses For Opening The Crown Chakra:

  • Padmasana (lotus pose)
  • Sirsasana (headstand) 
  • Sasangasana (Rabbit Stand)

Poses For Opening The Root Chakra:

  • Uttanasana
  • Mountain pose
  • Sun Salutations 
Click here to learn about mindfulness meditation and how it helps reduce anxiety. 


Practicing daily meditation is a highly effective way to open your chakras. 

There are many types of meditation, including chakra, zen, visualization, etc.

To Start Practicing Meditation: 

  1. Sit or lie down in a quiet place.
  2. Close your eyes. 
  3. Focus on your breath.  ( to learn about breathwork, click here.)
  4. Take a deep breath through your nose.
  5. Keep the breath in for 3-7 seconds.
  6. Exhale. 
  7. Repeat for 3-5 minutes. 
To learn more about different forms of meditation, click here


An imbalance in any of the seven chakras can create stress and anxiety. However, the two main chakras responsible for anxiety are the crown and root chakras. It is essential to keep the root chakra and the crown chakra unblocked for the life energy to flow through them without interruption.

The idea is that the Kundalini energy flows from mother earth and enters through the root chakra, works its way up the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and finally the crown chakra and gets released to the universe and then back to earth. Any blockage of these chakras can stop the energy from moving and creates stress and anxiety. So if you feel anxious, try meditation and yoga, and soon you may feel the anxiety melting away. Thank you for reading!